Tips to Consider when taking your Dog to the Beach –
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Tips to Consider when taking your Dog to the Beach

Posted by Kim Taha on

Summer is almost upon us and if you happen to have a dog that loves the water, chances are, he or she will enjoy a day of fun at the beach.  Our Golden Retriever, Charlie, lived for any chance to get in the water...any kind water, including mud.  If there was one little mud puddle in the entire dog park, Charlie would find it and roll around in it.  So when it came to the beach, Charlie was in water heaven.  He loved the beach.  But we needed to be extra careful when we took him to the beach because he would lose his mind from being overly excited!  Thus, it was extra important for us to be adequately prepared and on our game to ensure a safe, fun day at the beach with our Charlie boy.  So here are some tips that you may want to consider when taking your dog to the beach.

#1.  Plan your day before you go.  Most beaches have "Beach Rules".  You can normally find these rules, for the particular beach you want to visit, on the Internet.  Read over them carefully because some beaches have strict rules regarding Pets.  

#2.  Bring plenty of water (and a bowl).  Like humans, dogs can get very dehydrated at the beach.  Make sure to pack plenty of water for you and your buddy.  Oh, and don't forget the bowl!

#3.  Protect their paws.  If you've been to the beach on a hot day and walked on the sand without flip flops or shoes, you know that it only takes seconds before you are high tailing it to the shade or off the beach entirely!  Yes, hot sand can burn your feet; therefore, it can harm your dog's paws as well.  In order to protect your dog's paw pads while at the beach, there are a few precautions you may want to consider.  Probably the easiest and most effective way is to apply paw wax which can help protect their pads from hot (and cold) surfaces.  You can also try dog socks or shoes.  If you don't have either of these options, you can always water your dogs paws before crossing the sand; just make sure you get to a shady or damp area quickly.  Also, it is always a good idea to check their paws often when at the beach because of hidden sharp objects that may be in the sand that they could step on.  

#4.  Guard against harmful UV sun rays.  Make sure to bring an umbrella or two along to the beach to protect you and your pup from harmful sun rays.  Also, believe it or not, sunscreen may be an option for some dogs.  Like humans, certain dogs may benefit from sunscreen.  Its always good to check in with your veterinarian though since some types of sunscreens can be toxic to dogs.  Also, light colored clothing, like a t-shirt, can help protect your dog from harmful UV rays too.  

#5.  Bring a long retractable leash.  The beach we took Charlie to did not allow "off leash" pets during the summer months so we always brought along a retractable leash so he could play in the water and run around with some sense of freedom.  We also had him on the leash because the waves tended to be big at our beach and I felt like he could easily get carried out to sea if I didn't have him on the leash.  A canine life jacket/vest could also be an option.  

#6.  Plan on a busy day.  If you think you are going to take your pup to the beach and sit under an umbrella and read a book, think again!  From the moment we stepped onto the beach to the moment we left the beach, my Charlie boy was "on the go".  So, rest up and plan on a very active day with your canine buddy.  He or she will make sure of it!  

#7.  Have fun!  There is nothing more fun than tossing a ball or a frisbee with your dog at the beach.  If you happen to be at a beach that allows these types of off leash activities, then by all means, make sure you are prepared.  Bring your dog's favorite interactive toys.  I bet you will end up having just as much fun if not more than your canine pal!

#8.  Bath time.  By now, you may be exhausted, but for your pup, the fun just seems to continue.  Wow, more time in the water!  All fun aside though, salt water may cause skin irritation so it is a good idea to rinse your dog off with regular water before leaving the beach if there is a shower facility available.  If not, giving your dog a bath when you get home is okay too.  Just as long as you can clean the salt water off your buddy in a timely manner is fine.  

I hope you enjoyed reading my tips.  I am sure there are loads more.  These are just some that I learned along the way and by no means should be deemed as "expert" advice. 

{{Hugs}} to your fur babies,



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